Rules & Regulations

Your Guide to Our Course Regulations

Starting Procedures

  1. Cedar Groves Golf Course has the authority to control starting in any manner that will expedite orderly and enjoyable golf.
  2. Members and guests must always report to the clubhouse prior to teeing off.
  3. All members are urged to comply with the starting procedures and to be conscious of their respective pace of play.
  4. All games must start on the first tee unless specific permission or further directions are obtained from the Cedar Groves staff.
  5. Vehicles parking must not block the garbage bin or path to the clubhouse. Ensure vehicles are locked as Cedar Groves is not responsible for lost items.
Starting Procedures

Golf Etiquette

  1. Slow play will not be tolerated. Players should play without delay and follow behind the group ahead at all times.
    To help overcome slow play, season pass holders and guests are asked to consider the following:
    • Four-ball games are recommended during periods of heavy play.
    • Prepare for your shot as you approach your ball or the tee and always be ready to play when it is your turn.
    • Play "ready golf" (i.e., take your shot as soon as you are ready, rather than strictly following the order of play).
    • When you have completed a hole, pick up your ball and proceed to the next tee as quickly as possible.
    • Always be considerate of fellow golfers.
    • Leave the course as you found it.
  2. Players who fail to maintain the pace of play by looking for a ball or dropping back more than one clear hole from those in front must wave the following group through if they are not on time par.
  3. Time of play for Cedar Groves Golf Course is 2 hours and 20 minutes, please play accordingly.
  4. Take great care to repair all ball marks on greens and all divots on fairways.
  5. There is no strict dress code, feel free to wear what makes you feel comfortable.

Practice Facilities

  1. Practicing on the golf course is not permitted.
  2. The practice facilities will be open daily, subject to maintence or extreme weather conditions.
  3. To ensure the highest quality of grass conditions, please respect the markers indicating designated practice areas.
  4. By stating within the confines of the markers, superior grass grade conditions will be maintained for the enjoyment of all golfers.

Employee Relations

  1. All Cedar Groves Golf employees will be treated with respect and courtesy.
  2. Season pass holders and guests may not abuse any employee verbally or otherwise.
  3. Any season pass holder who is found to be abusing such guidlines may have their playing privileges suspended or terminated.
  4. The club will not, under any circumstances be responsible for the property of any person, whether damaged, lost, or stolen.